We have been developing programs in air conditioning systems since 2008. We have created a number of specialized programs for various manufacturing companies operating in this field of specialisation.
Our Completed activities in the field of HVAC
Program design of suitable selection of ventilator systems
Program design for turbo compressor configuration
Sorting programs for the selection of piping shutters, regulation elements and other components of HVAC
Calculation programs for the design of dust particle separators in flue gas
Design of flexible installations for industrial equipment
Status equation calculations of gases
Mechanical equations of vaned equipment
Acoustic calculations of ventilators and other HVAC components
Program for complex production control of manufactured components for air conditioning
Our clients in the field of HVAC
TCF Vzduchotechnika s.r.o.
Howden ČKD Compressors s.r.o.
KLIMA s.r.o.
MANDÍK, a.s.
SINPOL s.r.o.
ZVVZ-Enven Engineering, a.s.