This page shows an example of the ON-LINE calculations of products from the production program of Mandík, a.s., with their full permission to illustrate the calculation together with the product description.
The use of the calculation is very simple:
- In the „Values“ section set the desired parameters.
- In the table “Selecting the damper size” you will then see the resulting values for all damper sizes.
- The contents of this table can be changed by selecting a new quantity in the row of menu buttons below the heading.
- The contents of the “Calculated Values” section are updated according to the selected size in the “Flap dimension selection” table.

To find out more about ON-LINE calculations and request of tailored ON-LINE calculations 
The MANSEL program for calculating HVAC components
The on-line calculation above on this page contains a sample of fire damper calculations and serves as a presentation sample of our work. We recommend downloading and installing the full version of MANSEL for calculating other HVAC components. MANSEL is designed as a free download for all potential buyers. We created this program upon request by Mandík, a.s., with which we have authorized use of these works as reference material. The program is used for the selection and calculation of air-conditioning components from the production program of Mandík, a.s.
By installing a desktop version of this program, you will receive a version with enhanced functionality, which is not available on our site. For example, these features include:
- Work with project designs
- Saving and retrieving selected parts from/to a file
- Printing
Smoke extraction damper SEDS-L description
The copyright for the description of the product belongs to Mandík, a.s.
Smoke extraction dampers – single are shutters in smoke exhaust piping systems. Dampers are designed to remove heat and combustion products (e.g. smoke) from single fire compartment. In the event of fire the Smoke and Fire ventilation system opens the damper in the affected section which removes combustion products and heat from this section.
The damper blade is operated by an actuating mechanism.
The dampers can be installed in various duct sizes with respect to the field of direct applications according with EN 1366-9.
The field of direct applications based on tests results is acceptable according to EN 1363-1, part A.1 and A.2, EN 1366-2, part 13 and EN 1366-10, part 9.
Smoke extraction dampers – single are classified as
E600 120 (ve-i ↔ o) S1500C10000MAsingle
- Square dampers from 200 × 200 mm to 1200 x 1200 mm
- CE certified acc. to EN 12101-8
- Tested in accordance with EN 1366-10
- Cycling test in class C 10 000 acc. to EN 12101-8
- Damper actuating by electrical actuator
- External Casig leakage class B, Internal leakage class 3 acc. to EN 1751
- Classified acc. to EN 13501-4+A1 as ES 120/600, actuating MA or AA for one Fire Compartment
- Max. air speed in the system of 12 m/s, allowed pressure up to 500 Pa, or underpressure up to – 1500 Pa